On today’s episode of Deep Thoughts, Emily shares her analysis (and horrified shuddering) about the oddly influential 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds. Though the filmmakers thought they were writing the “gentle and funny underdog story” that Gene Siskel characterized the movie as, Nerds treats women as less-than-human trophies by using sexual assault as a punchline. While the film does accept Lamar Latrelle’s open homosexuality as NBD (but still pokes fun at stereotypical gay behavior), the majority of the humor relies on misogyny, racism, homophobia, and fatphobia while the film undercuts its own message by telling nerds they can beat the jocks at their own game–which continues to have devastating consequences 40 years later.
Content warning: Discussions of rape by deception, revenge porn and pedophilia.
Throw on your headphones and join us in the unenlightened early 80s…